Unlocking the Basics: Key Concepts and Practical Applications - Part III

Photo by Alex wong on Unsplash

Unlocking the Basics: Key Concepts and Practical Applications - Part III


2 min read

Week1 - Continuation

Article Outline.:

  • HDFS Architecture - Basic Overview

  • Week1 Summary

HDFS Architecture - Basic Overview:

HDFS, short for Hadoop Distributed File System, caters to applications dealing with large datasets, ranging from gigabytes to terabytes.

The architecture follows a master-slave model, comprising one name node (master) and multiple data nodes (slaves).

Name Node:

Maintains a hashtable-like structure containing system metadata. Metadata includes information about the block location on data nodes. For fault tolerance, a secondary name node is in place, ready to take over in case of primary name node failure.

Name Node Federation:

To horizontally scale the name service, federation employs multiple independent Namenodes/namespaces. Namenodes operate independently without requiring coordination. Datanodes serve as common storage for blocks across all Namenodes.

We can login to the name node using the gateway node.

Apache Hadoop 3.3.6 – HDFS Architecture

Data Node:

  • Stores actual data in the form of blocks, with a default size of 128MB.

  • For example, a 1GB file would be divided into approximately 8 blocks, each stored in data nodes.

  • Blocks are replicated for fault tolerance, with a default replication factor of 3.

  • Each data node features a heartbeat mechanism, sending periodic messages to the NameNode for connectivity checks.

Week 1 Summary:

In Week 1, we delved into fundamental concepts crucial for navigating the realm of big data. Topics covered included:

  • Definition of Big Data

  • Monolithic vs Distributed Systems

  • Overview of Hadoop

  • All About Cloud

  • Delving into D's - Db vs Data Warehouse vs Data Lake

  • Big Data - The Big Picture

  • Overview of HDFS Architecture

  • Common Linux and Hadoop Commands

This foundation sets the stage for a deeper exploration into the technical aspects of big data in the coming weeks.

Further Readings.:

The resources I consulted for reference are credited in the above section contributing valuable insights to the content presented.

Image Credits.: I do not claim credit for the image; all acknowledgment and appreciation go to the original creator.

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Till next time, happy coding!